Dr. Kashyap Trivedi

Brief info

Prof. Trivedi has specialized in engineering mathematics and statistics and holds an MSc degree in statistics. He has more than 20 years of teaching experience with various schools and institutes in Ahmedabad. These include the Arihant Institute for Chartered Accountants CPT Course and Operational Research, IIPM, and Asia School.
In addition to the above, Prof. Trivedi has authored several books on mathematics, quantitative aptitude for C.P.T-C.A, business mathematics for BBA, and operation research for C.A. and M.COM with reputed publishers.
Prof. Trivedi has been a driving force for Trust PAPA. He believes in the philosophy of ‘continuous learning, continuous teaching, and continuous growth’. He is firmly dedicated to his profession as a teacher through which he is able to help and guide students chart their careers and build their lives.